Word Work Lists

Word Work Lists

Our Word Work Program explores many of the important principles of spelling.  Examining a list of words, students will determine a spelling pattern and will probe its use in a variety of words.  Learners will be asked to complete numerous activities reviewing the pattern and will be encouraged to apply their knowledge of standard spelling into their daily writing and assignments.  Students are also encouraged to review their spelling lists at home to reinforce learned patterns and standard spellings.  After three weeks of study and patterns, students will have a brief spelling dictation of 15 words which includes 5 words from each week's list.  The dictation will prompt students to apply their learned patterns from the previous three weeks.


Our formal Word Work lessons and spelling dictations are completed for the year.  This week, we will be reviewing learned spelling patterns and asking students to apply their knowledge to the proofreading of their daily written tasks.


Many thanks go to the students and parents who diligently studied their words and spelling patterns all year.  Have a wonderful break!